Letter templates to help you communicate with
credit bureaus, creditors, and debt collectors.
- Update personal information request
- No response follow-up letters
- Stall tactic response letter: No ID received
- Stall tactic response letter: Frivolous request
- Stall tactic response letter: Suspicious activity
- Round 1 dispute letter
- Round 2 dispute letter
- Round 3 dispute letter
- Verification of debt (original creditor)
- Verification of debt (collection agency)
- Follow-up letter: No response (creditor or collection agency)
- Victim of identity theft
- Goodwill letter/late payment removal
- Pay-for-delete
- Repossession dispute letter
- Round 1 bankruptcy letter
- Round 2 bankruptcy letter
- Medical collections/HIPPA letter
- Inquiry removal letter to creditor
- Inquiry removal letter to credit bureaus
24-72 hour credit inquiry removal